Write for Us

Write for Us

The floodgate is open -- write an article us; all experience levels welcomed.

If you are interested in writing an article for this site, simply submit a draft article (markdown format preferred) to:

[email protected]

You can send questions to the address above as well.

In a nutshell, articles should be in the spirit of this site. A write up on an existing open source project -- large or small. You are welcomed to write up your own open source project as well!

Additional Details

You'll retain the copyright to your work but for it to be published here you must agree that once published, it can always be published with theOpenSourceU.org. You'll always be listed as the author of the content.

I do reserve the right to edit submitted articles in order to improve clarity, grammar, etc.

The benefits to you are that you can list it on your resume, CV, Stackoverflow Profile and the like. It's a great example of your technical writing and communication skills as well as your engagement in the Open Source community.

You may also link back to your own blog or site from the article.

If you contribute regularly, you'll be listed as a staff writer/engineer.


We're a small organization. Frankly, I'm an individual author/engineer with an idea; I think this format has merit and benefit for the community but the content is just as important.

I have two articles in the works but even at maximum speed, I expect to write, edit and publish about one article a month. I want the community to get more out of this site than 12 articles a year. Therefore, I feel it'd benefit from several author/engineers. This should also diversify the content organically.